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Run Code when PyScript Has Finished

PyScript emits a custom event called "py:all-done" when all PyScript tags on the page have finished executing. To take some action once PyScript has run all its tags, add an event listener for this specific custom event.

<script type="py" worker>
    from pyscript import display, window
    from pyodide.ffi.wrappers import add_event_listener

    def callback(event):
        display("This will run when all script tags are complete")

    add_event_listener(window, "py:all-done", callback)


    window.addEventListener("py:all-done", console.log)


This only applies to PyScript tags that were present on the page at its initial load. Any tags that are added dynamically after the page has loaded will not affect when the py:all-done event is dispatched.

It does take both async and worker tags into account.

PyScript emits a custom event called "py:all-done" when all PyScript tags on the page have finished executing. To take some action once PyScript has run all its tags, add an event listener for this specific custom event.

<script type="mpy" worker>
    from pyscript import display, window

        def callback(event):
            display("This will run when all script tags are complete")

        window.addEventListener("py:all-done", callback)


    window.addEventListener("py:all-done", console.log)


This only applies to PyScript tags that were present on the page at its initial load. Any tags that are added dynamically after the page has loaded will not affect when the py:all-done event is dispatched.

It does take both async and worker tags into account.